
Effect of Confederates on Compliance (Example 7) A study was done to see whether participants would ignore a sign that read, “Elevator may stick between floors. Use the stairs.” The people who used the stairs were classified as compliant, those who used the elevator as noncompliant. The study was done in a university dorm on […]


A Drug for Platelets Platelets are an important part of the blood because they cause the blood to clot when that is needed to stop bleeding. The drug eltrombopag (which we shall henceforth refer to as EL), was tried on patients with chronic liver disease who were about to be operated on to see whether […]


Steroids and Height Does the use of inhaled steroids by children affect their height as adults? Excerpts from the abstract of a study about this are given. Read them and then answer the questions that follow. “Methods: We measured adult height in 943 of 1041 participants (90.6%) in the Childhood Asthma Management Program; adult height […]


Making high-stakes insurance decisions. The Journal of Economic Psychology (September 2008) published the results of a high-stakes experiment where subjects (university students) were asked how much they would pay for insuring a valuable painting. The painting was threatened by both fire and theft, hence, the need for insurance. Of interest was the amount the subject […]

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