Unit 7: Music



Please use essay format, with an introductory paragraph; supporting paragraphs; and a concluding paragraph.  For each of the following categories, you must include at least one specific song and artist.  In your analysis, consider the following:


1.  What music do you associate with childhood? How did/does this music make you feel? How do your choices reflect your childhood experiences?   Include at least one specific song/ artist for this category.


2. What music do you associate with adolescence? Was this music a way to fit in or rebel?  Include at least one specific song/ artist for this category.


3.  What music do you associate with comfort? How do these songs help you deal with disappointment or stress?  Include at least one specific song/ artist for this category.


4.  What music do you associate with happiness? Why?  Include at least  one specific song / artist for this category.

Part One:  Introductory Paragraph

Begin with an introductory paragraph; briefly introduce the musical journey of your life in the introduction.

Part Two:  Supporting paragraphs should address the following: 

1.  What music do you associate with childhood? How did/does this music make you feel? How do your choices reflect your childhood experiences?

2. What music do you associate with adolescence? Was this music a way to fit in or rebel?

3.  What music do you associate with comfort? How do these songs help you deal with disappointment or stress?

4.  What music do you associate with happiness? Why?

Part Three: Concluding Paragraph:  In the conclusion, summarize your musical journey.   What did you learn about music that has defined, and may continue to describe, your life?

Essay format:  Each assignment should include an introductory paragraph which introduces the narrative; supporting paragraphs; and a conclusion to summarize the analysis.

Word Count:  This analysis should include at least 750 – 1000 words.

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