Use exponential smoothing with a smoothing constant of 0.3 to forecast the demand for fertilizer given in Problem 5-17. Assume that last period’s forecast for year 1 is 5,000 bags to begin the procedure. Would you prefer to use, the exponential smoothing model or the weighted average model developed in Problem 5-17? Explain your answer
Problem 5-17?
In Problems 5-17 and 5-18, three different forecasts were developed for the demand for fertilizer. These three forecasts are a 3-year moving average, a weighted moving average, and a trend line. Which one would you use? Explain your answer
Problems 5-17
Data collected on the yearly demand for 50-pound bags of fertilizer at Wallace Garden Supply are shown in the following table. Develop a 3-year moving average to forecast sales. Then estimate demand again with a weighted moving average in which sales in the most recent year are given a weight of 2 and sales in the other 2 years are each given a weight of 1. Which method do you think is best?
Problems 5-18
Develop a trend line for the demand for fertilizer in Problem 5-17, using any computer software.
Problems 5-17
Data collected on the yearly demand for 50-pound bags of fertilizer at Wallace Garden Supply are shown in the following table. Develop a 3-year moving average to forecast sales. Then estimate demand again with a weighted moving average in which sales in the most recent year are given a weight of 2 and sales in the other 2 years are each given a weight of 1. Which method do you think is best?
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