
Your are given the root node r of a binary tree T. Determine the largest distance from r to a leaf. The distance between a node x and one of its descendants y is the number of edges that are between x and y. For example, the distance from x to itself is 0, the distance from x to its children is 1, and so on.

Starter Code:

import java.util.*;
public class Lab5
* Problem 1: Determine the number of nodes based on their number of children.
private static int[] problem1(Node root)
// Implement me!
return new int[] {
-1, // nodes with 0 children
-1, // nodes with 1 child
-1 // nodes with 2 children
* Problem 2: Determine the maximum distance from the root to a leaf.
private static int problem2(Node root)
// Implement me!
return -1;
// ———————————————————————
// Do not change any of the code below!
static class Node
public int value;
public Node left;
public Node right;
private static final int LabNo = 5;
private static final String classNum = “CS 301”;
private static final Random rng = new Random(654321);
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println(classNum + ” — Lab ” + LabNo);
private static boolean testProblem1(int[][] testCase)
int[] left = testCase[0];
int[] right = testCase[1];
int[] solution = testCase[2];
Node root = makeTree(left, right);

int[] answer = problem1(root);
if (answer == null || answer.length != solution.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < answer.length; i++)
if (answer[i] != solution[i]) return false;
return true;
private static boolean testProblem2(int[][] testCase)
int[] left = testCase[0];
int[] right = testCase[1];
int solution = testCase[2][0];
Node root = makeTree(left, right);
int answer = problem2(root);
return solution == answer;
private static void testProblems(int prob)
int noOfLines = 10000;
System.out.println(“– — — — –“);
System.out.println(noOfLines + ” test cases for problem ” + prob + “.”);
boolean passedAll = true;
for (int i = 1; i <= noOfLines; i++)
boolean passed = false;
boolean exce = false;
int[][] testCase = null;
switch (prob)
case 1:
testCase = createProblem1(i);
passed = testProblem1(testCase);
case 2:
testCase = createProblem2(i);
passed = testProblem2(testCase);
catch (Exception ex)

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