• Highlight some success factors or some lessons learned (i.e., what went wrong?) for your examples.
• Discuss the impacts of internal factors (e.g., organisational, individual, and management factors) and external factors (e.g., market, industry, social, economic, technological and political/policy factors) on the success (or the failure) of IS/IT enabled innovation.
• Suggest recommendations and guidelines for helping organisations succeed in their efforts to embark on using IS/IT for innovation with good explanation and discussion.
The use of information technology is helping the business organizations in various aspects. The business organizations are using the information technology in order to gain the competitive advantage in the market. Apart from that the use of the digital technology is also helping the organizations to implement different IT enabled innovations in the organization (Damanpour, Sanchez?Henriquez and Chiu 2018). These innovations are eventually helping the organization to become flexible in functioning. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the way the organizations are using the information system and information technology to implement the IT enabled systems in the daily functioning of the organizations. It has been seen that the digital literacy of the organization is the determinant of the level of technical innovation the organization can be achieved. Apart from that this discussion also covers some of the issues those can be faced during the phase of the implementation. In order to do this different technical innovations in the organizations have been discussed along with issues and success factors. Apart from that the significance of the internal and external factors of the organization regarding the success of the IT implementation can be covered in the discussion.
Review of the literature regarding the way organizations apply the strategic use of IS/IT to achieve IS/IT-enabled innovation:
The use of the information technology is providing the organizations certain advantages for both technical and business aspects. With the help of technology the organizations are gaining advantage in the competitive markets. Apart from that the business organizations are exploring new technical innovations which eventually helping them to enhance the flexibility of the functioning of the business. It has been seen that with the help of the technology the business organizations are creating customized system those are deployed in managing the system of the organization. The organizations are using different aspects of technology like automation of the logistics and the automated voice process for handling the consumers. All these innovations are helping the organizations to gain competitive advantage.
One of the major example of the deployment of the technology to achieve the IT enabled goal is the implementation of the online business by different retailers. The concept of e-commerce was bounded among few e-commerce giants like Amazon or eBay. However, the success of e-commerce and ease of doing business through online have made many business organization to invest for the online business. At present most of the business organizations have their online presence (Mousavizadeh et al. 2015). In order to operate online, these organizations are engaging the use of advanced technologies. Some of the well known names in the e-commerce sectors are using the artificial intelligence to enhance the consumer experience. Moreover, there is a tendency growing for the e-commerce companies to hire more technical experts for the development and improvement of the services.
Technology is used by the organization best known for providing IT solutions like Google. Recently, Google has adopted the use of different technologies to improve its patent innovations. Regarding this the example of Google map can be given. Google Map is a product of Google, efficient for guiding the people to the specific destination. Recently Google has adopted the use of AJAX and implemented this technology into Google Map. The use of AJAX has ensured that the map shown by the Google Map app can be zoomed without refreshing the page. This type of small improvisations are giving the organization a chance to improvise their products in more effective way so that the acceptability of those products to the consumers can be increased.
Information technology is also used for the improvement of the communication system in the organization. The use of information technology for the improvisation of the communication system is largely adopted by the organizations which are in the transportation industry (Zhao, Fan and Yan 2016). The organizations in the transportation sectors can use the communication information technology to let the consumers know about the current location of the vehicle. Apart from that the availability of the next transportation can also be accessed through the system driven by the information system.
Another information technology used by the business organization for the IT enabled innovation and the improvisation of the business is big data. The information gathered from the big data can provide the organization about important information regarding the demand and the choice of consumers. Based on the analysis the organizational modify and improvise their products and services.
Success factors regarding the deployment of the information system for innovation in organization:
It has been seen that the deployment of the information system in organization has been successful to achieve the goal or objective of the organization . Some of the critical success factors that has helped the IT enabled innovation using information technology are-
Use of the emerging technologies: The usage of the emerging technologies has helped the organization to think about the customization of the business process. In many cases it has been seen that the business organizations are using the emerging technologies in an innovative way to provide unique services to the consumers. In order to do this many organizations are hiring technical experts who will be responsible for the deployment of the new technology.
Competitive market: Growing competitions in the armlet are driving the business organizations from different sectors to become innovation for providing the services to the consumers. It has been seen many organization providing the customized services to the consumers are getting popular. Regarding this they are utilizing the advantage and usability of the big data technology. Many technology service providing companies are using different emerging technologies to the users , so that the users can avail the technical innovations. In this context the name of cloud technology can be maintained. Providing the effective cloud services to the organizations and the individual users are making the technical service providing companies popular.
Changing the demand of the consumers: The changing demand of the consumers are making the organizations to use the information technology to create the IT enabled innovations. The nature of the consumer demand is dynamic. In this context the changes in the product or the service provided by the company needs to be implemented faster (Lashitew, Bals and van Tulder 2018). The improvisation in the technology and the existing system in the organization I are important for understanding the demand of the consumers.
Optimization of the resources: The optimization of the resources helps the organizations to increase the profit The innovation of the IT enabled systems in the organizations help to mitigate the overhead cost for operating the functions in in the company (Piccini et al. 2015). Apart from the allocation of resources in the complex environment can be achieved through the implemented of the system driven by the advanced technology.
Impact of internal factors in the success of the IT enabled innovations:
Organization factors: Organizational factors are the main indicator for the success factors of the implementation of IT enabled system . In the dynamic situation of the market and the changing behavior of the consumers there is a need in the organizations to adopt the change quickly (Evans et al. 2017). In order to do this many organizations are using the emerging technologies those are helping to bring the flexibility in the daily functioning of the companies (Leclercq-Vandelannoitte 2015). Apart from that the recruitment policies in the organizations are enabling more IT experts to join in the company. This is helping the organization to get the successful implementation of IT.
Management factors: Management factors are important indicator for the success of the information technology driven system (Andrews and Johnson 2016). The decisions regarding the implementation of the information technology driven system are taken by the management of the organization. In this case, if management is inclined towards the use of the emerging technology for the implementation and the modification of the system in the company, it can be said that the organization will able to achieve the business goals.
Individual factors: Individual factors are important for the success of the IT enable systems. The employees in the organization are needed to made aware about the usage of the newly implemented system (Santos, Pache and Birkholz 2015). Regarding this the organizations can provide training to the individual employee. Apart from that the demand and the buying behavior of the consumers are needed to be evaluated in a proper way. All these can be done through the implementation of the advanced system in the organization.
Impact of external factors in the success of IT enabled innovations:
Market: The market is becoming competitive. In this situation the options in front the consumers are increasing. In this context , it is important for the organizations to provide innovative solutions to the consumers (Chatterjee 2016). The use of technology will enhance the consumer experience along with the quality of the service.
Industry: Different industries are using the emerging technologies. Industry is facing the need for the synchronization of the functioning of different departments. The innovation driven by the information technology is helping the industry to adopt this synchronization (Susarla and Mukhopadhyay 2015). This makes the relevance of the information driven system in the industry. The success of the implementation of information driven system lies on the relevance of the information driven system.
Social: In the social perspective it has been seen that the demand of the individuals are changing rapidly (Sharma and Rai 2015). The changing of the lifestyle demands the automation of the different household functions. Regarding this the consumers want to get the services from the organizations which will fulfill all the requirements of the ever changing life style (Rantala et al. 2018). This factor drives the organizations to implement the information driven system (Urbinati et al. 2018). Apart from that the users want more customized services from the companies (Nowacki and Bachnik 2016). In order to do this the organizations are taking the help of the emerging technologies.
Economic: The economic condition of the market supports the optimization of the resources along with providing the standard quality services to the consumers (Smith and Williams 2018). In order to do this the allocation of the resources are needed to be done effectively. Apart from that the mitigation of the overhead cost through the use of the technology can bring more profit for the organizations.
Technological: The advancement of technology is helping the organization to use different emerging technologies. Apart from that different factors in the industry and the organizations are making it necessary for the companies to explore the technological innovations.
Political: The political factors plays an important role for the use of technology. Certain type of emerging technology such as bitcoin is banned for some political regions or countries. In that case4, the organizations operating in that region may face some constraints while using the technology.
Certain recommendations can be made those will help the organizations to make the successful implementation of the information technology driven system. Before the implementation of the technology the management of the organization should aware about the significance and the relevance of the proposed technology for the growth of the business. Apart from that the maintenance of the estimated budget and time are needed to be considered by the organizations. While development of the system the management of the risks and the stakeholders associated with the implementation are needed to be done in a proper way. The maintenance of the newly implemented and the modified system is needed to be done after the adaptation of the emerging technology. In order to do this the organizations need to recruit technological experts. Apart from that the employees in the organizations are needed to be given training regarding the use of newly implemented system. All these factors will help organizations to adopt the use of technological innovations successfully.
The discussion has pointed out the role of the emerging technology in the information system driven technical innovations in the organizations. In this context the examples of the technical innovations by the organizations and the significance of the emerging technology while the implementation has been discussed. Apart from that different internal and external factors those are responsible for the success of the implementation of the information system has been discussed. It can be concluded from the discussion that the technical innovation is important for the organizations. However, certain concerns are needed to be fulfilled during the implementation time. This will lead the organization to adopt the new system properly.
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