2. Demonstration of candid and critical self-analysis, including reflection on knowledge AND personal development directly linked to examples of own behaviour to identify personal strengths and weaknesses
Turner (2017) has explained in his research paper that identifying correctly one’s own strengths and weaknesses are one of the significant parts of the skill development. Based on conducted design thinking activities, in this research work, I would reflect on my own learning and the opportunities gained through the personal development program. The design thinking activities are planned in such a way that I have successfully identified my strengths and weaknesses and based on the research finding, I would be preparing a timeline, which would help me to deal with the addressed situations carefully. In this world of high technological advancement, many organisations work internationally, as the communication system has become very easy and in that case, they need to do deal with the employees from different cultural backgrounds.
Therefore, it is obvious enough that their thinking procedures as well differ from each other and this situation demands an effective action plan for the smooth running of the organisational activities. To have a glimpse of the actual scenario, I have taken part in a group activity, where I have chances to explore myself from several perspectives. Setting the goals would help me to follow the track on time and would measure my success. It is highly required to mention here that my supervisor has helped me in creating the journey map, following which the entire program has been undertaken because of the actions of circular transformation.
Critical Self-Analysis And Reflection Of The Learning
I have learnt that design mindset is not a problem-focused, rather a solution-focused strategy and its solutions are focused as well as actions are oriented towards creating a proffered future. Besides this design mindset, another major part of my study has been the design thinking, where I have seen that both sides of the brains are used to solve any particular issue. Whether creative thinking focuses on emotional and intuitive behaviour and business thinking concentrates on rational and structured attitudes, design thinking maintains an excellent balance between logical and structure to more emotive and intuitive. Moreover, I have found out that it focuses critically on both analysis and synthesis and is capable enough in case of dealing with ill-defined issues. Filatro, Cavalcanti and Muckenberger (2017) have opined that the design thinkers believe that a problem is the beginning of any procedure and thus mistakes help in learning and gathering experiences (Blog 4 Entry). However, it is required to mention here that I have learnt that design thinking follows particular steps to reach the outcomes.
While focusing on the design thinking of Blog 4, I have clearly observed that it successfully reduces the risks linked with the launching of any new ideas. Geissdoerfer, Bocken and Hultink (2016) have stated that design thinking helps any organisation to learn faster and at the same time tends to generate solutions that are highly innovative in nature and not just incremental. Along with that, I have identified that proper and thorough understanding of these above-mentioned stages of the design thinking, we can significantly empower anyone to properly apply the Design think procedures in order to solve any complex issues that take place in our surroundings like in the companies, the countries or even on a large scale on our planet.
The lessons in the unit have helped me in knowing about how to find out the problems along with some related solutions utilising the design-thinking tool (Blog 4 Entry). My tutor analysed the situation with the help of an example, i.e. bolpen product and the excellent explanations helped me to gain knowledge on five distinct principles of design thinking tool. Besides acquiring knowledge on design thinking, I have come to know about the two significant design-thinking tools namely “value-chain-value network” and “mind mapping” (Blog 6 Entry). While analysing the value-chain-value network, our respected tutor has introduced a case study of “Tigerair Airline”, where their activities are divided into primary and secondary actions. Moving to the next assignment, I must mention that I have learnt to make rapid prototyping that includes early and prototypes and prototyping methods (Blog 6 Entry). This present workshop has helped me to gain knowledge of five different prototyping methods like sketching, storyboarding, wire-framing, physical prototyping and paper prototyping along with their advantages and disadvantages (Blog 8 Entry).
Another business tool learnt is the “Learning Launch”, and I have discovered that a learning launch is an experiment carried out in the marketplace quickly as well as inexpensively and this helps in building a bridge between the co-creation of the customers and the commercial rollout (Blog 9 Entry). Learning from this assignment has helped me to prepare a presentation on the lack of consumer satisfaction for the payment procedure in retail stores. Great ideas and help from the lecturer and different insights from other student’s presented has helped us to become enriched with ample information (Donnellan, Hill & Roberts, 2015). Through detailed analysis, in-depth research work and learning from different design thinking tools have enabled us to provide a realistic solution to the reason behind disaffection among the consumers’ payment issues in the retail store (Blog 11 Entry). We suggested the retail stores like Woolworth, Aldi, Coles to introduce a software-based application where the consumers can easily scan the barcodes against each of their purchased products and after purchase, the amount would be credited to the company from the customers’ account (Blog 11 Entry). Introduction of this application would enable the consumers to have a hassle-free shopping experience, where the consumes and their precious times are highly valued (Blog 11 Entry).
Personal Development And Development Of Knowledge Of Design Thinking
With the gradual progression of my study materials, I must confess here that I have developed my attentiveness skill, and I have gradually discovered that I prefer to watch as well as listen carefully; as all these study materials are highly innovative in nature and very informative as well. Through the analysis of the situation and acting afterwards, have successfully assisted me in developing my value observation skill. Like others, I as well do not want to be recognised as a failed person, and these learning have helped me to develop my prolonged patience level and to concentrate intensely on the results. Mroczek and Little (2014) have opined that being highly focused is one of the significant pillars of success of any new artwork and I have grown this skill gradually with the help of this informative study material. Along with that, Briley and Tucker-Drob (2014) have stated that openness of mind towards any change, irrespective of good bad is highly significant for learning and I believe that I have grown this attitude. This study module has emphasised on the willingness to learn, communicating with others and expressing viewpoints mostly (Blog 4 Entry). Gradually I have learnt to be a good thinker, god team member and a great visual worker. Besides, I have found out that I love communicating with other teammates on several new and innovative topics and I am very much open in intercultural communication; I have equal respect for every culture of this world (Klimstra, Noftle, luyckx, Goossens & robins 2018).
All these points mentioned above were my strengths that I have understood gradually, and at the same time, I have found out that I have many weaknesses that I want to overcome quickly as well gradually. Through analysis of myself, I have found out that I cannot tolerate failure and accept myself to be tagged as a failed person in anywhere of my life. This fear often holds me back from new experiments, and thus usually I prefer following traditional or conventional things over innovation (Hazeveld, Slater & Ren, 2014). Apparently, I have no problem with indecision, vagueness, disorderliness, commotion or impulsiveness; however, I get confused and become blank in those situations where these take place and fail to act as per the need of the position. One of my great weaknesses is that I am not a futuristic person and thus concerned more about my present and this often chocks my wideness of thinking. Apart from that, from self-analysis, I have realised that I am not a good speaker and hesitate a lot while performing in a team. At the time of presenting any new idea on the discussion table, I get confused on my speaking approach and thus often fail to explain my viewpoints adequately. Moreover, I have realised that I prefer following the guidelines over discovering new perspectives and this make me a divergent thinker, which is one of my great weaknesses. Lack of confidence in experimenting has held me back in many cases, and unless I can release myself from this shell, I would not be able to adopt innovative ideas open heartedly (Torabi, Farjood & Hamedani, S2015).
Plan Of Significant Events Of Actions
Garrette, Phelps and Sibony (2018) have stated that in order to gain success, it is often required to fail, as failure opens up several new windows towards a better future. Following this word, I must say that I need to overcome my fear of being a failure and this would definitely help me in analysing the situation more clearly and calmly. If I can throw away my fear of failure, I would be highly interested in experimentation and through experimentation; several new horizons would be opened up in front of my eyes. Therefore, from this perspective, I have found out that fear of being a failure has indulged me in following the guidelines only and this is undoubtedly one of the significant obstacles of my entire learning. I believe that consulting with the lecturers and reading useful books of the eminent authors would help me to overcome this particular issue and I would be benefited in both my personal and professional life (Briley & Tucker-Drob, 2014).
With time, I have gradually grown my ability to be more attentive; however, I feel that I need to work on this skill more in order to improvise my attentiveness carefully. Often I found myself to be highly tensed, restless and impolite to any situation, which ultimately affects me in taking right decisions as per the need of the case. Another self-realisation is that I lack in visual observation skill and this shortens my potentiality to foresee. I have already mentioned that I do not have such problems with ambiguity, indistinctness, disorder, and disorderliness, but fail to act appropriately in cases where these take place. Therefore, I can say that I must learn to deal with any kind of situation that takes places in front of me or with me; otherwise, I cannot excel appropriately in my life. In this case, I have understood that in order to deal with this situation carefully, I must face the situation, analyse the situation, try to find out the root cause of the issue and provide the best and suitable as per the case (Mroczek & Little, 2014). Working in a group or team, I have learnt that in order to boost up the morale of other teammates, one must always shed light on the positive sides of the scenario and offer an optimistic solution to cope up with the addressed situation. Balancing between the present and the future is highly significant, I often lack in this case, and thus I feel that I need to be more futuristic in nature, otherwise I would fail to properly that suits best the situation.
Turner (2014) has stated that cross-disciplinary activities generally refer to any events that concludes two or more academic disciplines and these actions often ranges from those that merely place disciplinary insights side by side too much more integrative or socially inclusive approaches. I personally lack in this point, and I have understood that accepting viewpoints as well as perceptions shared by others would deliberately enhance my cross-disciplinary skill. In some cases, I lack in being spontaneous enough on my learning, and this holds me back for any kind of experimentations. I believe that embracing these skills, I would be able to be positive as well as an improvised visual thinker, which would be of great help for my future professional career. Incorporating creativity into actions as well as thinking is one of the primary skills that I need to focus on clearly for gaining success in the life. In order to do that, I must listen to my heart, mind, and stop following the provided guidelines blindly; otherwise, I would be able to look forward to the creative as well as innovative outcomes of the scenario (Hazeveld, Slater & Ren, 2014). Giving equal respect and priority to other’s opinions besides own is one of the great natures of the human being, and I often find myself prioritising my views over others. This creates a distance from the teammates, and thus the entire teamwork might get affected.
My Weaknesses | Actions to take | Timeline for incorporation of action |
I am highly fearful of failures | Attending seminars, reading inspirational books, biographies and autobiographies of the great leader | 60days |
I perceive myself as an inefficient speaker | Guidance from lecturers, attending personality development programs | 45 days |
I fear experimentation with ideas | Introduction with the entrepreneurs, working on my reasoning | 60 days |
I often fail to express my viewpoints with others | Growing interpersonal relationship with teammates, attending personality development workshops | 30 days |
I prioritise my own opinions over others | Growing strong relationship with team members, discussing several issues in informal ways | 30 days |
I focus more on present somewhat future | Guidance from lecturers, attending seminars, reading useful articles and books | 45 days |
From the mentioned timeframe of this action plan, it is well understood that I need total 9 months time for my overall personality development activities and I believe that following this action plan would be helpful for me in case of achieving the set target. My tutor has helped me throughout at the time of creating the journey map and with the help of the journey map, the major program has been designed due to the activity of circle transformation.
After completing several stages of the research work, I must mention here that selection of this project has been highly effective to me, as this project has helped me to analyse from several perspectives. I have successfully identified my weaknesses and based on the required and taken actions; I feel that I would definitely overcome my shortcomings successfully. Most importantly, the time limit would be highly beneficial to me, as I would be completing my actions within the mentioned timeframe. More in-depth interaction with people, valuing opinions stated by others, listening carefully, analysing critically and being futuristic are some of the identified points that I need to work on to have success in both personal and professional life. I have learnt that I must not fear failure, as this is the pillar of any progress and must have an optimistic attitude towards life. Maintaining a proper balance between present and the future would enable me in achieving the desired position in my life, and the design thinking tool has assisted me in this case to a great extent.
Briley, d. A., & Tucker-drob, e. M. (2014). Genetic and environmental continuity in personality development: a meta-analysis. Psychological bulletin, 140(5), 1303.
Donnellan, m. B., Hill, p. L., & Roberts, b. W. (2015). Personality development across the life span: current findings and future directions.
Filatro, a., Cavalcanti, c. C., & Muckenberger, e. (2017). Design thinking and online education.
Garrette, b., Phelps, c., & Sibony, o. (2018). Structure and solve the problem using design thinking. In cracked it! (pp. 169-195). Palgrave macmillan, cham.
Geissdoerfer, m., Bocken, n. M., & Hultink, e. J. (2016). Design thinking to enhance the sustainable business modelling process–a workshop based on a value mapping process. Journal of cleaner production, 135, 1218-1232.
Hazeveld, a., Slater, j. J. H., & Ren, y. (2014). Accuracy and reproducibility of dental replica models reconstructed by different rapid prototyping techniques. American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, 145(1), 108-115.
Klimstra, t. A., Noftle, e. E., Luyckx, k., Goossens, l., & Robins, r. W. (2018). Personality development and adjustment in college: a multifaceted, cross-national view. Journal of personality and social psychology, 115(2), 338.
Mroczek, d. K., & Little, t. D. (2014). Handbook of personality development. Psychology press.
Torabi, k., Farjood, e., & Hamedani, s. (2015). Rapid prototyping technologies and their applications in prosthodontics, a review of literature. Journal of dentistry, 16(1), 1.
Turner iii, d. E. (2017). A case study in design thinking applied through aviation mission support tactical advancements for the next generation (tang) (doctoral dissertation, monterey, california: naval postgraduate school).
Yeager, d. S., Romero, c., Paunesku, d., Hulleman, c. S., Schneider, b., Hinojosa, c., … & Trott, j. (2016). Using design thinking to improve psychological interventions: the case of the growth mindset during the transition to high school. Journal of educational psychology, 108(3), 374.
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