1. A statement of the problem, research aim, objectives and research questions
2. Justification and potential output of the research
3. Conceptual framework
4. Methodology, organisation of the study, project budget and schedule
Demonstrates outstanding understanding and interpretation of all aspects of the criteria.
Problem Statement
The Smartphone market in India is in continuous growth. The Chinese company Xiaomi has entered the Indian Smartphone market in 2014 and since then it is thriving in it. In the 2016-17 financial year, the revenue of Xiaomi India reached $1.25 billion (Mukherjee, 2018), which was seven times more than the revenue gained by the company the year before. Xiaomi surpassed Samsung and became the largest Smartphone manufacturer in India within March 2018, with a share of 31.1% (Mukherjee, 2018). It also took the first position in terms of the sales of Smartphones in India from Samsung and India became the largest foreign Smartphone market for Xiaomi (Baxi, 2018). The people in India who look for Smartphones that are low in price but have premium designs and more features (Toufani, Stanton & Chikweche, 2017) are the targeted market of the company.
With the constant development of the technology, market demand also is changing constantly. Thus, every Smartphone company, along with Xiaomi, is trying to meet those consumer demands by redesigning the models of the phones in order to add the required features and increase the quality of the existing features (Page, 2013). As technological inventions are occurring frequently, the market demand is changing very fast too. In order to keep up with this pace, and to provide the customers Smartphones that are low in cost and high in features, problems of poor battery life (Schulman et al., 2017), over heating while charging, and bulky and heavy body, are occurring in the newly designed models (ZHANG & Wen-Yue, 2016). In spite of the company’s growing success in India, the current problems with the redesigning of models are having an impact on the sales of Xiaomi Smartphones in India.
Research Aim And Objective
The aim of the research proposal is to understand the significance of the redesigning of Smartphones, and how it is affecting the Volume of sales of Xiaomi Company in India, and to evaluate the effect. The objectives of the research proposal is-
- To understand why redesigning of the Smartphones is important.
- To understand how the redesigning of Smartphones is effecting the sales of the Xiaomi Smartphones in India.
- To evaluate the effect of the redesigning of the Smartphones on the sales of the Xiaomi Smartphones in India.
- To recommend strategies for the Xiaomi Company in India to increase their sales while redesigning the Smartphones.
Brief Methodology
In order to comprehend the impact of the redesigning of the Smartphones on the sales of Xiaomi in India and to evaluate that effect, mixed methodology has been chosen to conduct this research.
Literature Review: Assessing the current technological advancement and why redesigning of Smartphones is important in this context, and how that is affecting the sales of Xiaomi in India will require recent research on various Smartphone companies, journals, newspaper reports, and business magazines. Hence, source for this literature review will be recent newspaper articles, academic journals, articles from business magazines, and case studies on Smartphone companies.
Data Collection: The data that will be used in this study will be mainly secondary, and will be collected from the Xiaomi Company and industry sources.
Secondary Data And Data Analysis Method
As the research design of this study is explanatory, the secondary data from the company’s online website will be used. The company’s financial records, sales report, annual report and customer database will be used to conduct the research. The study will also use recent literatures on smartphones to determine the consumer demand and behaviour pattern in India while purchasing, and to understand the reason for the redesigning of Smartphones and the issues that come with it.
The collected data will be then processed into a concise form with multiple variables such as consumer demand, consumer behaviour, and purchase pattern. A correlation analysis will be performed to establish the relation between the redesigning of Smartphones and the sales of Xiaomi Smartphones in India.
Baxi, A. (2018). China’s Xiaomi Vs. Samsung: The Battle For India’s Smartphone Market Heats Up. Retrieved from
Mukherjee, W. (2018). India accounts for three of Xiaomi’s top five global sales channels. Retrieved from
Page, T. (2013). Smartphone technology, consumer attachment and mass customisation. International Journal of Green Computing (IJGC), 4(2), 38-57.
Schulman, A., Thapliyal, T., Katti, S., Spring, N., Levin, D., & Dutta, P. (2017). BattOr: Plug-and-debug energy debugging for applications on smartphones and laptops Stanford CS Tech Report.
Toufani, S., Stanton, J. P., & Chikweche, T. (2017). The importance of aesthetics on customers’ intentions to purchase smartphones. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 35(3), 316-338.
ZHANG, A. M., & Wen-Yue, L. I. U. (2016). A Study of Purchase Decision and Its Affecting Factors for Mobile Shopping Among Smartphone Users. DEStech Transactions on Economics, Business and Management, (iceme-ebm).
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