Improving driving performance while fatigued. Long-haul truck drivers are often asked to drive while fatigued. Can a secondary task—such as a word association task—improve the performance of a fatigued driver? This was the question of interest in a Human Factors (May 2014) study. The researchers used a driving simulator to obtain their data. Each of […]
Is honey a cough remedy? Pediatric researchers carried out a designed study to test whether a teaspoon of honey before bed calms a child’s cough and published their results in Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (December 2007). (This experiment was first described in Exercise 2.31, p. 86.) A sample of 105 children who were […]
Banning controversial sports team sponsors. Successful marketing of professional sports franchises involves finding sponsors that appeal to the team’s fans. The Journal of Marketing Research (October 2015) published a study that investigated the impact of banning a controversial sponsor (e.g., one that manufactures an alcoholic beverage) on a soccer team’s success. Data were collected for […]
Commercial eggs produced from different housing systems. In the production of commercial eggs in Europe, four different types of housing systems for the chickens are used: cage, barn, free range, and organic. The characteristics of eggs produced from the four housing systems were investigated in Food Chemistry (Vol. 106, 2008). Twenty-eight commercial grade A eggs […]