BUSN20016 Research In Business 25

Question: Topic: Identification Of Marketing Issues In The Tourism Sector Of Australia: Critical Application Of Social Media Marketing In Tourism Sector To Boost Sales. Task Description This Assessment task requires the preparation of a full project proposal that should contain the following components: A detail statement of the problemthat you would like to investigate. Research […]


Consider an inverted pendulum system as shown in Figure 1. The system is driven by a DC motor. A belt-pulley mechanism is used for power transmission between the DC motor and the cart. You are supposed to analyze the stability of the system and design a controller for vertical positioning of the pendulum by using […]


Consider an economy that produces only chocolate bars. In year 1, the quantity produced is 3 bars and the price is4.Inyear2,thequantityproducedis4barsandthepriceis5. In year 3, the quantity produced is 5 bars and the price is $6. Year 1 is the base year. a. What is nominal GDP for each of these three years? b. What is […]


Consider an economy that has the following monetary data:Currency in circulation = $300Bank reserves = $50Monetary base = $350Deposits = $700Money supply = $1000The monetary base and the money supply are expected to grow at a constant rate of 20% per year. Inflation and expected inflation are 20% per year. Suppose that bank reserves and […]

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