MNG03218 Managing Information Systems Organisations

Question: For this assignment you will have to prepare a paper that critically discusses how organisations apply the strategic use of IS/IT to achieve IS/IT-enabled innovation (Note: you should try to focus on information systems rather than mobile apps and social media platforms & applications). Some aspects and issues you may discuss in your paper […]

BUSN20016 Research In Business

Question: Topic: Maintaining Performance During Organisational Change. Task Description Please provide an outline of a research project t. You should briefly write: Title of the project A brief statement of the problem that you would like to investigate; and research aim and objectives that can solve the problem you have identified. A brief methodology: Provide details about what type of methodology you […]

BUSN20016 Research In Business

Question: Topic: An Evaluation of the Effect of Redesigning of Smartphone on the Volume of the Sale of Xiaomi Company in India Criteria 1. A statement of the problem, research aim, objectives and research questions 2. Justification and potential output of the research 3. Conceptual framework 4. Methodology, organisation of the study, project budget and schedule […]

BUSN20016 Research In Business

Question: Choose your own project topic and then briefly write a problem statement followed by aim, objectives, sources of secondary data and a brief methodology of the project. Criteria A statement of the problem, research aim and objectives  A brief methodology Sources of secondary data, data presentation and analysis methods Answer: Problem Statement The apparel […]

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