LAW100 Business Law For Hedley Byrne And Co Ltd

Questions: In your demonstration, not least, you must answer the following questions: 1. Explain critically as to whether Ellen has a claim against the council in relation to the advice she had received. 2. Has there been a breach of contract between Ellen and the Landlord for non-payment of rent? 3. Has there been a […]

MNG03218 Managing Information Systems Organisations

Question: For this assignment you will have to prepare a paper that critically discusses how organisations apply the strategic use of IS/IT to achieve IS/IT-enabled innovation (Note: you should try to focus on information systems rather than mobile apps and social media platforms & applications). Some aspects and issues you may discuss in your paper […]

LAW60003-The Termination Of The Contract

Question: The idea that a contract may be terminated for breach of condition is an important one because even a “minor” breach of such a term will justify termination of the whole contract. Discuss whether this statement accurately reflects the position in Australian contract law? Answer: Introduction It is a well settled principle in law […]

BUSM 4551 Business Management Creativity, Innovation And Design For Leadership

Questions: 1. To what extent were your original thoughts and expectations about Creativity, Innovation and Design discussed. 2. How did the course impact on those original views (if it did, and if they did not, why?) 3. In what ways do you feel that the course will assist you in dealing with future challenges and […]

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