BUSN2020-Importance Of Measuring Consumer Behaviour
Question: Discuss the importance of measuring consumer behaviour and the different approaches to it. Answer: Introduction The world today has grown into a global village; meaning that someone in Europe does not need to hustle to communicate with someone in Australia or Asia. The reason why communication is easy; transportation is easy; and generally, life […]
BUSN20016 Research In Business
Question: Topic: Telemarketing In Business Research Aim: The aim of this research is to analyse the customer’s lack of attention towards the telemarketing tool of an organization. The researcher will analyse the role of customer care executives in the telemarketing department of an organization (Illing & Peitz, 2017). In other words, this research aims to […]
LAWS20059-Advise Clients On How To Structure Business
Question: You are working at an accounting firm. Your overall task is to advise clients on how to structure their business – either as a partnership or company. The clients’ circumstances are extremely important considerations. You should not consider the topic of trusts, as they are used primarily to minimise tax, and tax law is […]
BUSN20016 Research In Business
Question: Topic: Maintaining Performance During Organisational Change. Task Description Please provide an outline of a research project t. You should briefly write: Title of the project A brief statement of the problem that you would like to investigate; and research aim and objectives that can solve the problem you have identified. A brief methodology: Provide details about what type of methodology you […]